Categories: EnvironnementFilmPlastics
This blog post is the first on our new IBG Flexible Packaging website. We are delighted to know that you are reading us and we would like to introduce ourselves.
Our company was founded in 1987, more than 30 years ago. The project came into being thanks to the hard work and foresight of the Vázquez Insua brothers, who started with flexible packaging and film manufacturing, particularly for the food industry, and have diversified with two other projects: Plásticos Granada and Regenerados Plásticos Andaluces.
Today, we are a team of more than 120 people who work in our spacious plant in Santa Fe, Granada, which produces very special packaging and films for first-class brands. Over time, we have gained experience and the infrastructure needed to respond to different markets:
On our new website, which coincides with a new phase of growth, you will find all the information you need about our products, formats and materials, from cast polypropylene to polyethylene (PET) or paper, cardboard and aluminium. Furthermore, we offer several finishes or treatments to best adapt to your project’s needs.
On this website, you will find references to the most common and important options, but we recommend you to contact us if you require more detailed information or a personalised service.
We are familiar with the notion that the manufacturing of plastic products could be incompatible with new environmental protection principles. But at IBG Flexible Packaging, we set our values when the company was founded, long before the sector became aware of this sustainable premise. If we manufacture coherently and responsibly and consume consciously, plastic should stop being a problem for nature.
Practically all plastic can be recycled, which cannot be said for other materials. And the manufacturing process of some goods in this material is less polluting than other materials that we may originally believe were more eco-friendly. It is a complicated issue that we are fully aware of, and that is why we recycle 100% of the plastic waste that we produce and we handle our industrial waste with approved companies. We have our own continuous improvement system in place and every year we take one more step to helping the environment.
If you belong to this professional sector or you’re interested in the matter, we recommend you to take a look at one of IBG Flexible Packaging’s related projects: Regenerados Plásticos Andaluces.
With this project, we recover plastic waste and prepare it so that it can be included in a much more sustainable circular economy. More specifically, we convert the waste into polyethylene and polypropylene chippings, which in turn, can be reused for new processes.
At present, we can transform more than 700 tonnes of waste a month into new matter in our current plants.
Some years before IBG Flexible Packaging or Regenerados Plásticos Andaluces came into being, we had already gained experience and solvency in the sector with Plásticos Granada, a high- and low-density polyethylene packaging and film manufacturing and recycling company.
Moreover, this firm is a benchmark in manufacturing all types of shopping and refuse bags in every possible material, even covering industrial and agricultural needs.
We will try to keep this blog updated as often as possible with all of the latest from IBG and other interesting industry-related news. Thanks for visiting us!
Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía, por un importe de 480.870 euros, cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER para la realización del PROYECTO ADQUISICIÓN DE MAQUINARIA QUE INTEGRA UN EQUIPO DE IMPRESIÓN COMPLETO FORMADO POR LA MÁQUINA DE IMPRESIÓN PRINCIPAL Y COMPONENTES AUXILIARES: REGENERADOR, LAVADORA DE PIEZAS Y DISPENSADOR DE TINTA, CON EL OBJETIVO DE CONSEGUIR UN TEJIDO EMPRESARIAL MAS COMPETITIVO
Se ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, financiada como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19 (REACT-UE), para compensar el sobrecoste energético de gas natural y/o electricidad a pymes y autónomos especialmente afectados por el incremento de los precios del gas natural y la electricidad provocados por el impacto de la guerra de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania.