
At IBG, we strongly believe in actively and altruistically contributing to improving the community’s social, economic and environmental well-being. Within the packing sector, our business presence is complemented by Plásticos Granada and Regenerados Plásticos Andaluces. Our commitment in figures:

Environmental contribution

  • We recycle 100% of our plastic waste.
  • We guarantee that our industrial waste is handled in a suitable manner through approved companies.
  • Use of mineral-based additives to reduce CO2 emissions
  • We regularly perform energy efficiency audits at our plants

Economic contribution

  • Taxes: 1’95M€
  • Social security: 620’784€
  • Salaries: 2’26M€

Social contribution

  • Employees: 120
  • Hours of training: 1.200
  • Permanent contracts: 98%

Our social impact

Our business strategy and management system is not only based on results, we also aim to have an impact on society by rigorously complying with regulations and laws regarding taxes, the environment and employment. Furthermore, we strive to review our decision-making processes, considering its impact on the community, our workers and the environment.

In short, our planning and decision making is centred on our commitment to complying with legal regulations as a company and altruistically behaving in a morally and ethically acceptable manner.

Environmental contribution


Junta de Andalucía

Se ha recibido un incentivo de la Agencia de Innovación y Desarrollo de Andalucía IDEA, de la Junta de Andalucía, por un importe de 480.870 euros, cofinanciado en un 80% por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER para la realización del PROYECTO ADQUISICIÓN DE MAQUINARIA QUE INTEGRA UN EQUIPO DE IMPRESIÓN COMPLETO FORMADO POR LA MÁQUINA DE IMPRESIÓN PRINCIPAL Y COMPONENTES AUXILIARES: REGENERADOR, LAVADORA DE PIEZAS Y DISPENSADOR DE TINTA, CON EL OBJETIVO DE CONSEGUIR UN TEJIDO EMPRESARIAL MAS COMPETITIVO


Junta de Andalucía

Europa Invierte

Se ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020, financiada como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19 (REACT-UE), para compensar el sobrecoste energético de gas natural y/o electricidad a pymes y autónomos especialmente afectados por el incremento de los precios del gas natural y la electricidad provocados por el impacto de la guerra de agresión de Rusia contra Ucrania.